Friday, January 26, 2007

your own yoga mats preferences and colors

Somes think that purple, violet, lavender are good. They think it would smell the best.

Seriously, they have dribbled lavender oil on their yoga mat before and after practice. So, they totally have the purple/violet/lavender mat WOOT!

Some of my friends think that black is perfect for most of outfits, that are mostly black. Black makes you look so much slimmer too. Then, there is their pink yago mat, blue mat and purple mat. Presently, they're looking for a perfect, Banananda Yellow Color Yoga Mat. Orange is very good for Yogi's if anyone is interested in knowing that. Satyam wears Orange everything.....and Shiva's favorite color is White! Back to Black....Black represents the Yin and the Feminine. Black and White is the balance..the yin/yang. Black, white and gray are not true colors (or hues). They are considered to be neutral, achromatic colors.


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